DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2019-5-3-0-3

Specific features of interpretation of markers of social context polarization

The article deals with the text structure as the basis for the text world generation. Text interpretation provides new research opportunities. Text projection of worldview has the polarity as one of its significant properties. The study of the polarization process, i.e. world polarity representations in a text model, has identified various types and subtypes of contextual representation. A detailed study of one of these types, namely, social polarization, determined six subtypes such as: 1) social worldview polarization, 2) social polarization of appearance, 3) social behavioral polarization, 4) social religious polarization, 5) social family polarization, 6) social complex polarization. Social behavioral and social family contextual polarization prevail in the novel “Europeans” by H. James. The high frequency of implicit polarization is determined. A high frequency of conjugation of social polarization and other types and subtypes of contextual polarization was revealed.

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