Translation peculiarities of linguistic units within texts of political discourse
At the current stage of scientific development political discourse offering multifaceted investigation material attracts experts of various fields of research, which provides an interdisciplinary focus in the study of this phenomenon. The practical interest in the results of such research has been revealed since the initiation of international relations and has gained even more popularity with the rise of public interest in political events and the increase of their role in determining people’s lives in the modern geopolitical environment. The work proposes and develops the tenants of modern translation theories and linguopolitical paradigm of scientific knowledge, providing for the approach to offer the most adequate variant of translation of linguistic units from English into Russian within political discourse, both on the semantic and connotation levels with regard to peculiarities of national mentalities. Within the framework of political discourse, which includes the study of Mass Media political texts, scientists speak of both cognitive knowledge and emotional information transfer, reflecting the personal stance of the author. The current article reveals special characteristics of political texts, including clichés, expressive emotional influence on the public and linguistic creativity. Special attention in this work is also given to the suggestions of most adequate variants of translation for these cases.
Sergienko P.I. (2019). Translation peculiarities of linguistic units within texts of political discourse. Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.5 (3), 71-81, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2019-5-3-0-7
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