DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2019-5-3-0-6

Linguoculturemes in the conceptosphere of “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakhov (based on Russian, English, Spanish, French, Esperanto texts)

The article deals with the architectonics of the novel “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov. The text of the novel is modeled as a conjugation of two models: the kernel-peripheral sphere of concepts and the cognitive-plot matrix. The author provides a list of personalised and non-personalised literary concepts in the novel and reveals the specificity of the nominative domain in the non-personalised socio-cultural literary concept “Soviet lifestyle”, represented in the novel. The author determines the linguoculturemes that are included in the first cell in the text cognitive-plot matrix, namely the cell “meeting at the Patriarch’s Ponds”, associated with the non-personalised socio-cultural literary concept “Soviet lifestyle” and offers a classification of the revealed linguoculturemes. The study has established the adaptation degree of the considered linguoculturemes into multi-structured languages: English, Spanish, French, Esperanto, and introduced some new concepts into the scientific thesaurus: personalised literary concept, non-personalised literary concept.

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