Russian past tense verbs of the perfect and imperfect aspects with aoristic meaning and the system of their Chinese correspondences
The article deals with the research of the ways of expressing the aoristic meanings of the Russian past tense verbs of the perfect and imperfect aspects by the linguistic means of the Chinese language. Since Chinese is a language of amorphous type, the meanings of the verb’s aspect and tense are transmitted syntactically in it, i.e. combining the verb itself with the appropriate service word, and not by means of morphological transformations, unlike in case of the inflectional Russian language. In this regard, the study aimed at finding adequate language tools of the Chinese language for the most accurate expression of the aoristic meaning of Russian verbs seems to us to be in demand and relevant. The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of the lexicon and grammars of the Chinese language, which transfer the meaning of the Russian verbs of this semantics. The research is based on theoretical, descriptive and comparative methods. The results of the study made it possible to describe the models for expressing the aoristic meaning of Russian past tense verbs of the perfect/imperfect aspect in the Chinese language and to state that there is no direct link between them. The materials of our research can help both in mastering Russian and Chinese as foreign languages, as well as in translation activities.
Petrova, L.G., Dekhnich, O.V., Sun Daman (2019). Russian past tense verbs of the perfect and imperfect aspects with aoristic meaning and the system of their Chinese equivalents. Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.5 (4), 19-30, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2019-5-4-0-3
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