Repetition as a multifunctional expressive language tool in the texts of speeches by political leaders of France and the Republic of Cameroon
The article is devoted to the study of the multifunctional language phenomenon of "repetition" in the French language of France and in the variant of French in the Republic of Cameroon. In order to understand the conditions and stages of the Cameroonian variant's formation, brief data of its diachrony is given. The work is based on the material of public addresses of French politicians Emmanuel Macron and François Fillon during the 2017 presidential campaign and the speech of the President of Cameroon Paul Biya during the 2018 presidential campaign. Based on the current study of the political leaders' texts it was revealed that the repetition is a widely used linguistic device. The definition of repetition is proposed, and its main characteristics are formulated. The idea that the use of repetition depends on extralinguistic factors of influence is being developed. One important extralinguistic factor is the political order of the state. The analysis of contexts shows that this factor determines to some extent the choice and use of language devices in the statements made by the political leaders of the two countries. The digital mass media and the increased speed of information distribution is another extra linguistic factor, which influence is studied in the article. Besides the authors attempt to prove the formation of contexts' connotations through repetitions which contribute to deep comprehension of texts.
Bondarenko E.V., Khasanov T.D. (2020). Repetition as a multifunctional
expressive language tool in the texts of speeches by political leaders of France and the
Republic of Cameroon. Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.6 (1),
30-42, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2020-6-1-0-4
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