Problems of taxonomy in paremiology
Paremiology in modern linguistics is a highly promising area of research. Differentiation of various paremiological genres is one of its central problems. This problem is also observed in Slavic studies, English studies, Spanish studies and others. The study of Spanish paremiological taxonomy is relevant due to a number of problems that need solution and the little knowledge of the Spanish paremiological material in Russian linguistics. In addition, in Spanish dictionaries, including the dictionary of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Spain, despite the presence of special linguistic studies of this issue, there is no exact and unambiguous differentiation of diverse paremiological terms. In this regard, the author considers the main types of paremia that exist in Spanish studies and gives their definitions adopted in the Spanish scientific literature. An analysis of Spanish-language scientific works devoted to the problem of taxonomy, as well as a definitive analysis of individual Spanish terms, made it possible to find for these terms the most appropriate equivalents in Russian. The results of this study contribute to the development of Russian research in the field of Spanish studies and Spanish phraseology and paremiology.
Menshakova N.N. (2020). Problems of taxonomy in paremiology. Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.6 (2), 26-37, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2020-6-2-0-3
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