Development of variability in phraseology of biblical etymology
The paper focuses on a comparative analysis of phraseological units of biblical etymology (BPU) with their prototypes in order to identify new variants of the studied phraseologisms that are widely used in different types of discourse presented in the British National Corpus (BNC), namely: in media texts, in texts of historical, political and cultural fields and also in texts of fiction. The prior attention is paid to the problem of identity and variability of biblical phraseological units as well as to the problem of co-relation of modern phraseological units with their biblical prototypes. The object of the research comprises above 400 phraseological units of biblical origin that are actively employed in modern English. The theoretical background of the research is the phraseological concept of Alexander V. Kunin and the method of phraseological identification and phraseological analysis introduced by the linguist and successfully tested in a number of studies of English as well as of German, Swedish, Holland, Norwegian and Russian phraseology. Variability of biblical PUs is studied by means of the contextual analysis. The study reveals different types of variants in biblical phraseology: lexical variants and their subtypes (substantive, prepositive-substantive, adjectival, verbal ones), morphological, syntactical and complex variants. The research shows that variability and identity of biblical phraseology do not contradict each another, since the variability of biblical phraseological units is relevant within the frames of their own, keeping their structural and semantic identity. This paper starts a series of articles on the problem of comparative variability and identity of biblical phraseology in a number of languages of the German and Slavic group.
Fedulenkova T.N. (2020). Development of variability in phraseology of biblical etymology. Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.6 (2), 8396, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2020-6-2-0-7
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