Linguistic identity, national archetypes and sociocultural environment of their formation
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current state of the categories “linguistic identity” and “national archetype” in correlation with the socio-cultural environment. The national and cultural values of any ethno psychological group are reflected in the language serving a real-life community of people. National archetypes are the semiotic basis of linguistic identity, which is formed within a certain socio-cultural context, an inalienable instance of the psychophysical structure of a person. It is argued that the essential characteristics of the national linguistic identity can be detected already at the level of identifying the semantic features of the language units of the utterance in discoursing. The next steps to reconstruct the linguistic personality are associated with modelling the logical-semantic structure of the utterance, due to the presence of ethnocultural traces at all levels of the subject's discourse behaviour. The discourse behaviour of an individual is the essence of his communicative activity and worldview. It was found that behavioural models, modal and nominative ways of reflecting reality are ethnoculturally determined not only by language, but also by immanent preferences in accordance with the logic, semantics and pragmatics of the communicative act. It is suggested that the verbalization of Russian identity (the magic of Russian vocabulary) is preferably carried out within the framework of contact strategies (direct means of expressing thoughts) and in correlation with the values of the national community, and the intellectual parameters of the French language are implemented in line with distant communication strategies (indirect means expressions of thought) and the priority of individual values. Prospects for the application of the method of reconstructing new knowledge in the mainstream of identifying the dominant features of a national linguistic personality in languages of different structures are outlined.
Sedykh A. P. (2021). Linguistic identity, national archetypes and sociocultural environment of their formation. Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.7 (3), 15-27, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2021-7-3-0-2
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