Terminology use in school textbooks: corpus analysis
The article presents the methods and results of the study that investigated the use of terminology in textbooks for secondary schools in Russia. The data were taken from a full-text DIY corpus of 207 textbooks for grades 5-11. The toolkit included models trained with the Word2Vec algorithms driven by the ideas of distributional semantics. The models were used to improve traditional automatic term extraction based on word frequency statistics. Numerical representation of word collocation patterns and their semantic similarity enabled the following: more effective automatic term extraction with a clear dividing line between terminology per se and high-frequency common words; comparative analysis of inventory and functioning of terms in textbooks for different school subjects and grades; analysis of the dynamics of new terms entering educational and methodological complexes and insights into terminological relations between textbooks for different grades. The study included another DIY corpus compiled of scholarly articles across the subjects taught at school. It was used to identify differences in term use in textbooks and scholarly texts as well as in non-specific and popular science contexts. The latter was facilitated by the RusVectōrēs word embedding model. The comprehensive analysis identified some patterns in term functioning relevant for particular school subjects or groups of subjects. The results were evaluated in view of the theory of text complexity, teaching methodology and didactics. The study found some contradictions between the expected and real text complexity. It also showed certain discrepancy between text complexity and basic didactic principles.
Monakhov, S. I., Turchanenko, V. V. and Cherdakov, D. N. (2023). Terminology use in school textbooks: corpus analysis, Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 9 (1), 27-49. DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2023-9-1-0-3
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The reported study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project number 19-29-14032 mk “Study of terminological subsystems of modern school textbooks in Russian with the help of word embedding models Word2Vec and neural networks”.