Specifics of text derivatives propositions in speech ontogeny
Speech generation is an insufficiently explored process and text recalling is even more poorly understood. This article is aimed at studying the relationship between the primary expository text and its oral text derivatives. Oral recalls of educational social science texts produced by schoolchildren of the fifth grade were investigated as text derivatives. The article presents the innovative study of text derivatives generation specifics in ontogeny. The study draws on the achievements in the field of cognitive linguistics, ontolinguistics, psycholinguistics and discursology. It is stated that ontogenetically all text derivatives were framed by adolescents, who are in the process of their language and speech development. The material, which is the corpus of oral narrations of 297 text derivatives, was obtained empirically. Identification of the linguistic parameters of the complexity of primary and secondary texts was carried out with the help of the RuLingva automatic text complexity analyzer (https://rulingva.kpfu.ru) developed by the Text Analytics (TA) Research Laboratory of Intelligent Text Management Technologies, Kazan Federal University. The study employs the author’s model that describes the semantic stages of a written text perception and its oral reproduction. This model includes some basic cognitive processes such as perception, memory, attention and thinking. All text derivates were classified into several groups. The main classification criteria included such indicators as the number of reproduced text propositions. As a result of the analysis of secondary narrations of schoolchildren of the early teenage ontogenetic period of development, deep semantic roles are described, their translation and correlation with deep propositions of primary educational texts, the transformation of elements of propositions, which involves changing or preserving the dimension of expression (syntactics) and the dimension of content (actant-predicate structure) in secondary oral narrative constructions.
Petrova, A. A., Privalova, I. V., Kazachkova, M. B. and Yessenova, K. U. (2023). Specifics of text derivatives propositions in speech ontogeny, Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 9 (1), 136-152. DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2023-9-1-0-9
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