Tops, Aristotle's categories and predikabilia are considered in unity and cooperation. The author focuses on those historical moments of the formation and ordering of tops that let you understand them not as "common places," but as structurally-semantic models engendering communicative sense. The first reason for this is the position of Aristotle, the founder of the tops, which juxtaposed topica with dialectics, understood as the art of dialogue, communication. The author examines the views on topica of Cicero and Quintilian; identifies the cause of negative attitudes towards the "common places" of Descartes and others. Special attention is paid to NAME. The author traces its historical destiny. It is suggested that the proposed understanding of top in the article as a structural-semantic model is the prototype of the modern notion of concept. The author offers a modern synthetic system (tops), based on the tops, predicabilia and Aristotle's categories, which is a database of understanding of people in the course of communication, as it organically links the immediate being, language-speech, and thinking-consciousness of people in every moment of communication.
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