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Sadikova, Valentina Alekseeva
Doctor of Philology,
Tver State University:
33Zhelyabov St., Tver, 170100, Russia
Safari, Ali
PhD, Assistant Professor of Linguistics,
Hazrat Masoumeh University, Qom
Al-Ghadir St., Qom, Iran
Sanosi, Abdulaziz B
PhD in Applied Linguistics, Lecturer
Sardalova, Luiza Ramazanovna
Senior Teacher
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Chechen State University",
32 A. Sheripov St., Groznyy, 364093, Russia
Savelyeva, Irina V.
D. Sc. (Philology), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communications
Sboev, Alexander G.
Doctor, Leading Research Fellow
Kurchatov Institute National Research Center
1 Academician Kurchatov Sq., Moscow, 123098, Russia
Sedykh, Arkadiy P.
Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Belgorod State National Research University
85 Pobedy St., Belgorod, 308015, Russia
Moscow International University
17 Leningradsky Ave., Moscow, 125040, Russia
Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University
Sedykh, Natalia Viktorovna
Assistance Lecturer, Department of German and French Languages
Belgorod State National Research University
85 Pobedy St., Belgorod, 308015, Russia
Selemeneva, Olga A.
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Russian Language, Russian Teaching Methodology and Document Science
Bunin Yelets State University
28 Kommunarov St., Yelets, 399770, Russia
Semenova, Marina Yu.
Head of the Department of Integrative and Digital Linguistics, Candidate of Philology