
Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Volume 4, Issue №4, 2018 PDF

Peculiarities and difficulties of translating euphemisms (based on the BBC news articles)

The media, in particular, the press today is the main source of information about world situation and developments, often including negative news. In order to disguise or conceal ...

Interdependence between structure and pragmatics of code-switching in modern Russian novels

This article studies the interdependence between structural and pragmatic aspects of code-switching observed in Russian fiction novels by V. Aksyonov, B. Akunin, and V. Pelevin. The author provides ...

Uncovering true Islam in Umm Zakiyyah’s trilogy If I Should Speak

 Religion themed literature has always been a norm in the literary traditions across the globe. However, it is observed that in the context of representing Islam and Muslims, ...

A decentred reading of Zadie Smith’s Swing Time: Voices of cross-cultural belonging

This article explores the dynamics of differentiation through the perspective of a reconceptualised representation of race, identity and cultural belonging that Swing Time brings into scrutiny. Relying on ...

Codicological study of the medieval manuscript “Régime de santé” by Guido Parato

The article presents the results of the work on a manuscript written in the French language of the XV century. The work has been conducted by one of ...

Derivational structure of phytonymic lexicon in the English and Russian languages

The plant world is an important fragment of a linguistic worldview. Phytonymical lexicon reflects the economic and cultural activities of the people, the value system of the national-linguistic and ...

On interdisciplinary studies of language contacts and contact-induced changes

The article deals with the problem of language contacts and their outcomes. Contact of languages is viewed as a multi-facet phenomenon. The authors focus on the way researchers ...

The cognitive discursive aspect of realization of polyfunctional linguistic units in the mass media (on the material of the gerund)

The article deals with a cognitive-discursive research of gerund constructions in online editions of British newspapers and magazines such as The Guardian, The Times, and The Week. It ...

Concept "MIGRANT" in migration discourse (on the material of a free associative experiment)

The article deals with migration discourse from the standpoint of the conceptual approach. Migration discourse is considered as a type of social practice, as it is formed by ...

Parameters of the ecolinguistic analysis of foreign lexemes in regional glossy magazines

The article deals with the peculiarities of foreign lexeme functioning in the texts of glossy magazines in the Vologda region. Currently, there is an intensive use of foreign lexemes ...

Emergence of hybrid linguistic codes as a result of linguistic interaction in Cameroon

The article considers the problem of linguistic interaction in Cameroon resulting in the emergence of various hybrid codes. The work is topical because of the demand in studying ...

Combinability peculiarities of adjectival lexemes in modern language space

The modern linguistic science still keeps the issues concerning the combinatorial potential of the lexical units in the focus of its attention. The significance and importance of the ...

Questions associated with the social adaptation of immigrants in the British society from a linguistic point of view

The present research is aimed at studying the peculiarities of linguistic fixation of lexemes that verbalize the processes of mutual social adaptation of both Muslim immigrants and members ...

Phraseological units of the Chinese language, characterizing events in human life and activities

The article describes some phraseological units of the Chinese language, whose semantics is associated with the nomination of human life and its activities. The basis of the definition ...