Поиск автора по алфавиту
M, Thenmozhi
M. A., M. Phil and Ph. D in English Literature, Assistant Professor Senior
Mahdipoor, Nader
PhD Student,
Department of Linguistics,
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
E-mail: n.mahdipoor@modares.ac.ir
Makoeva, Dana Gisovna
PhD in Philology, Head of the Laboratory “Computer Linguistics”,
Institute of Computer Science and Problems of Regional Management (Branch of the Federal Scientific Center “Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian ...
Malapani, Athina
PhD student, MA in Classics
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
26 Mesogeion, Korydallos, 18 121 Athens, Greece
E-mail: malapani_athina@yahoo.gr, athina.malapani10@gmail.com
Mani, Manimangai
Senior Lecturer,
Department of English, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.
E-mail: manimangai@upm.edu.my
Marabini, Alessandra
Master’s Degree in “Modern Languages for International Communication and Cooperation”,
University of Bergamo,
Assistance Lecturer, Department of German and French Languages,
Belgorod State National Research University
85 Pobedy St., ...
Mezzina, Anna Angela
Assistance Lecturer, Department of Letters, Language, Arts, Italian Studies and Comparative Cultures,
University of Bari Aldo Moro
1, Piazza Umberto I, Bari, 70121, Italy
E-mail: anna.mezzina@uniba.it
Mirenayat, Sayyed Ali
PhD Candidate in English Literature,
Department of English, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication,
University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
E-mail: ali.mirenayat@yahoo.com
Moghaddas, Bahram
PhD in TEFL, Department of English
Khazar Institute of Higher Education, Iran
E-mail: dr.moghaddas@khazar.ac.ir
Mohammed, Abuelgasim Sabah Elsaid
PhD in Applied Linguistics, Assistant Professor