DOI: 10.18413/2313-89122019-5-3-0-9

Lexical-semantic interference in professionally-oriented translation (on the example of technical texts translation)

The given article deals with the research of the examples of lexical-semantic interference of English and Russian ​​in the field of professional-oriented translation. The study of interference in the framework of technical translation remains relevant in connection with the fact that the translation of technical literature requires knowledge not only of the basics of translation, but also of professional knowledge in a particular branch of science and technology. The article is aimed to analyze the characteristics of lexical-semantic interference in teaching translation in a language university. The methods of the experiment (collection of practical research material) and analysis (quantitative and semantic analysis of the materials obtained) are used in the research. The materials of the linguistic experiment allowed us to select some examples of the most significant violations of the lexical-semantic norms of the Russian language when translating commonly used terms in an English-language technical text. The results of the study revealed the main characteristics of lexical-semantic interference in the translation of a technical text from the point of view of the divergence of semantics of commonly used vocabulary in the context of professional-oriented translation. The results of the study can be used in the study of English, in teaching various aspects of translation, in studying issues of general linguistics and theory of language.

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