Morphological analysis of vocabulary of Russian common jargon and French common argot
The proposed article analyzes the morphological characteristics of the vocabulary of Russian common jargon and French common argot. A comparison of two differently structured languages demonstrates the possibility of isolating instatives, words that actualize the state and are emotionally expressive. The proportionality of instatives is characterized by dualism. The common jargon/ common argo fixes a change in the literary-normative status, showing specificity at the paradigmatic and syntagmatic levels. The authors also focus on word formation issues, in which literary and non-literary tendencies are observed. In colloquial speech, word formation is characterized by originality and multidimensionality and appears as the most dynamic sphere of the language. French colloquial speech is characterized by the use of word-forming elements structurally distanced from the literary language. Russian common jargon is structurally less distanced from literary and colloquial vocabulary. The article presents the main trends in the interaction of literary and non-literary subsystems of the two languages.
Кhorosheva N.V., Shustova S.V. (2019). Morphological analysis of vocabularyof Russian common jargon and French common argot. Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.5 (3), 44-59, DOI: 10.18413/2313-89122019-5-3-0-5
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