The article offers a comparative approach to the analysis of figurative meanings of birds’ denominations in Russian and Spanish languages; the pragmatics of their figurative usage in everyday conversational speech ...
Russian and Czech simple fixed comparisons with anthroponyms and with the conjuction как – jako as symbols of human character. The use of phraseology and comparison as a tool of ...
The author conducts a comparative analysis of British, Russian and American onyms from the point of view of the theory of language structuring levels concerning concepts of linguistic cognitive speaker ...
The article deals with the literary text as the complex research construct. The cognitive-hermeneutic analysis of fiction concept architectonics is represented. The concept sphere of M. Boulgakov`s “The White Guard” ...
The article dwells on the cognitive-national sphere which is the subject of attention of researchers nowadays. One of the concepts that are difficult to detect, includes the concept of mentality, ...
The translation of cultural referents has been one of the key topics throughout the history of translation science many traductologists have offered different systematisations of cultural referents, and ...
As videoblogging has become a universal, personalized, and affordable form of communicating diverse content to a wider public, educational video blogs (vlogs) have been gaining popularity as a ...
The paper offers speculations and inferences about linguistic synaesthesia and the synaesthetic metaphor. Being a predominant form of linguistic synaesthesia, synaesthetic metaphors make up a specific class of ...
This paper reports on an exploratory study of online social media (OSM) discourse on the emergency shift to distance/remote interpreting practices that occurred due to the unprecedented social distancing ...
The central unit of anthropological linguistics is a concept as a verbalized cultural sense. This article aims to study conscience in the Russian and French languages. Conscience refers to ...
The article deals with the research of language metaphors of English and German-language media discourse. The authors attempt to study the features of the use and translation of ...
Despite the vast research on questions in linguistics, little is known about their functioning in political discourse. So the paper considers questions, their types and functions in political discourse. ...
The paper is devoted to the study of onomastic metaphors used in Russian and English mass media discourse to reflect the coronavirus pandemic situation. The status of onomastic metaphors ...
The purpose of this article is to identify the allomorphic and isomorphic features of auxiliary verbs in various analytical constructions. The scientific novelty of the research lies ...
The article is written in the framework of cognitive linguistics, discourse analysis and frame theory. A frame is defined as a deep conceptual structure containing information about the world. ...
This article examines cases where translators are confronted with messages whose meaning is obscured by a simple cipher. Russian translators had to overcome certain difficulties while translating certain ...
The present publication expands the analysis of the Old Testament translations into different languages. This line of studies was initiated by the works of the late French scholar Philippe ...
The article considers the peculiarities of adaptive translation of phraseological units from Russian into Chinese and English based on the material of the literary text «Kak zakalyalas' stal'» (Eng. ...
The work is devoted to the study of the semantics of compound linguistic units from the sphere of business phraseology, which, on the one hand, are terms and, ...
In modern discourse research the focus of attention is on the study of various lexical units and specifically abbreviations. The priority areas are their structural and semantic classification, trends ...
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